(HealthNewsDigest.com) - ST. LOUIS – Researchers at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine are preparing to test whether a special kind of laser can improve acne scars on people with darker skin, whose scars have typically been quite difficult to treat.

Traditionally, physicians have treated acne scars by removing the surface of the skin with powerful lasers or deep chemical peels. There can be serious side effects, though, including a lengthy healing time and the possibility of infection. For people with darker skin, including African-Americans and Hispanics, there’s another significant downside: Virtually all develop skin discoloration.

In the clinical trial, dermatologists at SLU will see whether they can treat acne scars on darker-skinned patients with so-called non-ablative lasers – which bypass the surface of the skin and instead go deeper to stimulate collagen growth, which in turn helps smooth the surface of the skin. Non-ablative lasers are more gentle and have fewer risks than more powerful lasers, and they don’t require a lengthy healing period.

“This is breaking new ground, in that there’s been very little research published in this area,” said Natalie Semchyshyn, M.D., assistant professor of dermatology at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. “Most of the studies involving non-ablative lasers for acne scarring have been done on patients with lighter skin – yet an increasing proportion of the population in the United States has darker skin tones.”

“We think it’s important to find out how much non-ablative lasers can help African-Americans and Hispanics who have acne scars,” Semchyshyn added.

The study, which will last 18 months, seeks to enroll people between the ages of 13 and 70 who have naturally darker skin tones and mild to severe facial acne scars that are pitted or indented, including on the cheeks.
Patients enrolled in the abstraction cannot accept taken Accutane, an articulate medication acclimated to amusement astringent acne, or accept had added skin-resurfacing procedures, including corrective fillers, aural the accomplished 12 months. Nor can they be abundant or breast-feeding.

In addition, patients cannot accept a history of keloids, which are an overgrowth of tissue at the armpit of a healed bark injury.

At no cost, participants in the abstraction will abide six treatments with a non-ablative laser, spaced about a ages apart. They’ll additionally be accustomed concrete exams, sunscreen balm and contemporary medications if needed.

People who accommodated the abstraction belief and who are absorbed in acquirements added should acquaintance abstraction coordinator Rosemary King of the SLU administration of dermatology at 314-256-3436, or at kingrm@slu.edu.

Established in 1836, Saint Louis University Academy of Medicine has the acumen of application the aboriginal medical amount west of the Mississippi River. The academy educates physicians and biomedical scientists, conducts medical research, and provides bloom affliction on a local, civic and all-embracing level. Analysis at the academy seeks fresh cures and treatments in bristles key areas: cancer, alarmist disease, heart/lung disease, crumbling and academician disease, and communicable disease.


  1. Tom Sult, MD // September 11, 2009 at 4:25 AM  

    Acne more than skin deep.

    Acne is a common problem not just of teens but of adults as well. Acne scars the skin but often leave lasting emotional scars as well. Many companies sell acne treatment systems that require 8 to 10 treatments with what I would consider marginal results. In my office (www.aestheticsofwillmar.com) we treat acne in a single session with NO down time. Unlike photodynamic therapy or IPL that leave the acne sufferer red, swollen and in pain, our patients leave our office with no sign of treatment and in just a few hours they see results.

    How can this be? We use a Variable Square pulse Nd:YAG laser with flat top optics and a computer controlled scanner (www.fotona.us). The inflamed tissue of the acne is a great target for the Nd:YAG energy. It heats the tissue and sterilizes the follicles and pores. This results in the clearing of acne bacteria and reduction of the inflammation and edema common in acne. The result is improved skin in hours to a few days.

    There is no perfect treatment for acne and we have our failures with the laser. In those cases we look at hormonal triggers and food sensitivities. It is rare that the laser is not helpful. It is common that it is of great value. If we do not see results in one or two scans we will look into other confounding factors such as those noted above. Once those are addressed the laser will generally clear the acne quickly. Below is a link to before and after acne photos (http://fotonamedicallasers.web5.hubspot.com/acne-active-inflammation/)
