We may all know acne, Just as a negative vile misfortune upon our lives excellency. Well, may be I have a good news for every people who suffered this bad emotions against acne.
Many new researches and scientists nowadays confirmed that "Acne is a small price to avoid cancer, heart diseases and other fatal diseases".
Acne Protection against Very dangerous diseases:
Acne is a small price for activating our defense mechanism against this level of dangerousness.
They believe that the p. acnes (propionibacteria) presence may move the immune system which is more effective at tackling subsequent infections.
"P. acnes is what we call an adjuvant - when it triggers an immune response it does so non-specifically so that it enhances immunity to unrelated antigens (proteins that act on white blood cells) including bacterial, viral, parastic and tumour cells."
Which make this issue as a proper reason behind the disappearance of skin cancer among the people who have a history with acne.
Eventually I'd like to finish with a saying of a scientist in this field called 'Dr.Eady' who said: "If acne is eliminated we may begin to pay a much higher price as the incidence of certain cancers starts to rise. "One day we may all be popping pills of P. acnes in a bid to stay healthy."
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